




主 講 人】湯濤 院士


湯濤,南方科技大學副校長,中國科學院院士。美國工業(yè)與應用數學學會會士(SIAM Fellow),美國數學學會會士(AMS Fellow)。曾任香港浸會大學數學系系主任、協理副校長,香港數學會會長。國際頂級期刊SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis、Journal of Computational Physics、Journal of Scientific Computing編委。先后獲得馮康科學計算獎、教育部2007年度高等學??茖W技術獎(自然科學一等獎),2016年國家自然科學二等獎。并受邀在2018年國際數學家大會作45分鐘報告。


We study the numerical approximation of Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hillaird type equations modeling the motion of phase interfaces. The common feature of these models is an underlying gradient flow structure which gives rise to a decay of an associated energy functional along solution trajectories. In this work, by considering the classical double-well potential model, we provide an alternative framework for stability analysis for the determininstic problems. The present work is also devoted to the development and analysis of numerical methods for the stochastic version of the phase-field equations.

