


【時 間】2024年8月23日 上午:9:30-11:00

【地 點】北京校區(qū) 主樓A322學術報告廳


鐘志勇教授,加拿大工程院院士、IEEE PES 候任主席、香港理工大學電網現(xiàn)代化研究中心創(chuàng)始主任。


鐘志勇是香港理工大學電機及電子工程學系系主任、電力系統(tǒng)工程講座教授,電網現(xiàn)代化研究中心創(chuàng)始主任。鐘教授擔任2024-2025年度電氣與電子工程師學會(IEEE)電力與能源協(xié)會(Power and Energy Society, PES)候任主席和2026-2027年度IEEE PES主席。鐘教授是加拿大工程院院士(FCAE)、中國電機工程學會外籍會士(FCSEE)、加拿大工程研究院院士(FEIC)、電氣與電子工程師學會會士(FIEEE)、國際工程技術學會會士(FIET)、香港工程師學會會士(FHKIE),也是IEEE PES杰出講師,曾獲2021年IEEE加拿大P. Ziogas電力獎。

曾擔任IEEE PES理事會的智能電網委員會成員、全球外展委員會成員,IEEE PES會士評審委員會成員,IEEE PES區(qū)域10北部分會代表,以及IEEE香港分會主席。他目前擔任《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》副主編,曾擔任九個頂級國際期刊的編輯委員會成員,包括《IEEE Transactions on Power Systems》高級編輯和《IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy》顧問編輯等。鐘教授擁有美國專利3項、合著專著3章、發(fā)表國際期刊論文200余篇。

Prof. C.Y. Chung is the Head of Department, Chair Professor of Power Systems Engineering and Founding Director of Research Centre for Grid Modernisation in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU), Hong Kong, He is the 2024-2025 IEEE PES President-Elect and 2026-2027 IEEE PES President. Prof. Chung is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of IEEE, CSEE EIC, IET, and HKIE, and an IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer. He is also the recipient of the 2021 IEEE Canada P. Ziogas Electric Power Award.

He was the Member-at-Large (Smart Grid) and Member-at-Large (Global Outreach) of IEEE PES Governing Board, the IEEE PES Region 10 North Chapter Representative, the Chair of IEEE Hong Kong Section, and a member of IEEE PES Fellow Evaluation Committee. He has been a member of the editorial board of nine international journals including Senior Editor of “IEEE Transactions on Power Systems”, Consulting Editor of “IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy”, and Vice Editor-in-Chief of “Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy”. Prof. Chung’s research work has generated 3 US patents, 3 book chapters and over 200 international journal papers.



Abstract: The smart grid is the future trend of power grid development, but it faces multiple challenges, including but not limited to the integration of high proportions of intermittent renewable energy, the incorporation of high-penetration power electronic devices, and the complex regulation of flexible loads. This report discusses the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins in addressing the challenges of the smart grid. Specifically, the report focuses on the potential applications of AI in five major areas: power forecasting, equipment monitoring, system state estimation, system operation, and stability control analysis. Additionally, the report explores the role of digital twin technology in the development of smart grids, effectively managing and optimizing grid operations, improving energy efficiency, and reducing power outages. Finally, the report discusses the future prospects and development directions of AI and digital twins in smart grids.
